It has come to our attention that there may be unauthorized sources disseminating information purportedly from Rainoil Limited. We would like to emphasize that the only official communications channels for Rainoil are our official website and our verified social media accounts.
Please note that any information not originating from Rainoil’s official communications channels should be disregarded. If you do not see updates from Rainoil on our official website or social media platforms, we advise you to exercise caution and refrain from relying on such information.
Additionally, we wish to highlight that Rainoil Limited does not authorize any third parties to solicit or advertise vacancies on our behalf. Any job openings or recruitment notices not posted on our official channels are unauthorized and should be treated with skepticism.
For accurate and verified updates about Rainoil and its activities, kindly refer to our official website or follow our official social media accounts.
Thank you for your understanding.